
How Diabetes and Depression are Related?

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How Diabetes and Depression are Related?

How Diabetes and Depression are Related?

Diabetes and depression are two correlated health conditions that can significantly impact a person’s well-being. Understanding the relationship between diabetes and depression is crucial for effective management and improved quality of life. 

Diabetes and depression often coexist as each condition can influence the other. People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing depression due to the challenges associated with managing a chronic illness. Individuals with depression may have an increased potential of developing diabetes due to lifestyle factors, especially poor diet and physical inactivity.

Chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, and neurotransmitter imbalances play a role in the development of diabetes and depression. Understanding these complications can help in developing targeted interventions that address both conditions simultaneously.

Impact of Depression on Diabetes Management

Depression can have a remarkable impact on diabetes management. The emotional and cognitive symptoms of depression can make it challenging for individuals to focus on their diabetes treatment plan, including medication management, dietary modifications, and regular exercise, which lead to poor blood glucose maintenance and increased risk of diabetes-related complications.

How Can Diabetes Influence Mental Health? 

Living with diabetes can contribute to the development of depression. The burden of managing a chronic illness, fear of complications, and the impact of diabetes on daily life can steer the development of stress, anxiety, and depression. Blood sugar fluctuations and the impact of diabetes on brain health may also play a role in the development of depressive symptoms.

How to Take Care Effectively? 
Integrated care that addresses both conditions simultaneously is crucial including collaboration with healthcare providers, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses physical and mental health needs.
Effective management of diabetes and depression often requires a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) have shown positive outcomes in treating depression in individuals with diabetes. Regular exercise, healthy diet, stress reduction techniques, and social support, can benefit both conditions.
Self-care practices play a crucial role in managing both diabetes and depression. Engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, and fostering social connections, can help improve overall well-being. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, support groups, and loved ones can provide valuable assistance in navigating the challenges associated with these conditions.
The relationship between diabetes and depression is complicated. Recognizing and addressing the connection between these conditions is vital for comprehensive care and improved outcomes. With proper and personalized care, individuals with diabetes and depression can achieve better management of their conditions and enhanced overall well-being. If you would like to consult and seek professional guidance, visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic



Optimizing Health Results with Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

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Optimizing Health Results with Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

Optimizing Health Results with
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

Personalized lifestyle medicine recognizes the unique needs and characteristics of each individual in the improvement of health outcomes and it takes into account an individual’s lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and health history to develop personalized interventions. By understanding these unique characteristics, healthcare professionals can create tailored strategies to prevent diseases, promote health, and improve overall well-being.

Personalized Lifestyle Medicine at PrimoCare

  • Hormone and cell function checkup

Understanding body function plays a crucial role in personalized lifestyle medicine. By analyzing hormone and cell function through urine, organic tests will reflect the balance of many cell functions. This enables personalized recommendations for diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

  • Customized Nutrition

Customized nutrition focuses on understanding how individual genetic variations impact the body’s response to specific nutrients. Dietary choices, identification of potential nutrient deficiencies, and personalized nutrition plans can improve health and wellbeing. This ensures that individuals receive the proper nutrients to promote optimal health.

  • Lifestyle Modifications

Personalized lifestyle medicine emphasizes the importance of tailored lifestyle modifications to optimize health outcomes. This includes personalized exercise recommendations, stress management techniques, sleep optimization strategies, and behavioral changes. By understanding an individual’s preferences, abilities, and lifestyle factors, sustainable lifestyle interventions that support long-term health improvements can be developed.

  • Promote Mental Health

Nutrition therapy can contribute to the prevention and management of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. It focuses on the consumption of nutrient-dense foods that support brain health and function, balances blood sugar levels, and includes essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Environmental Factors

Personalized lifestyle medicine also considers the impact of environmental factors on an individual’s health including evaluating exposure to toxins, pollutants, and allergens, as well as potential environmental factors that contribute to disease development. By identifying and minimizing environmental risks, personalized lifestyle medicine aims to create a healthier living environment for individuals.

  • Collaborative Approach

Personalized lifestyle medicine encourages a collaborative approach between healthcare professionals and individuals, empowering individuals to actively participate in their health management through knowledge, tools, and support to make informed decisions. This fosters a partnership between the healthcare provider and the individual, ensuring that interventions align with their values, goals, and preferences.

  •  Long-term Health Benefits
Lifestyle medicine has the potential to provide long-term health benefits. Tailored approaches that address an individual’s unique needs and characteristics are more likely to be effective, sustainable, and impactful in achieving optimal health results.
Personalized lifestyle medicine offers a transformative approach to health management by considering the unique characteristics of each individual. 
Through combinations of body deep to cell function insights, lifestyle modifications, environmental considerations, and collaborative partnerships, personalized strategies that optimize health outcomes can be developed. 
Embracing personalized lifestyle medicine can lead to improved health, disease prevention, and a better quality of life for individuals seeking to achieve optimal well-being. 
Visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic to consult with the medical professionals and receive the best personalized diet plan.


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The Importance of Nutrition Therapy in Nourishing Body and Mind

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The Importance of Nutrition Therapy
in Nourishing Body and Mind

Proper nutrition is the major foundation of overall health and well-being. Nutrition therapy is an utilization approach on food and nutrition to prevent and treat various health conditions focusing on individualized dietary interventions to optimize health outcomes. 

Each individual has unique nutritional needs based on factors like age, sex, activity level, medical history, and specific health conditions. Nutrition therapy considers these individual factors and tailors dietary interventions to promote optimal health outcomes.

How Nutrition Therapy Can Help?

  • Disease Prevention and Management

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in preventing and managing various health conditions. Nutrition therapy is particularly effective in conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and renal diseases and it can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve lipid profiles, manage weight, reduce inflammation, and support organ functions.

  • Weight Management

Nutrition therapy is an essential component of weight management. It involves creating a balanced diet plan that ensures sufficient nutrient intake while promoting healthy weight loss or weight maintenance. A dietitian can guide individuals in adopting sustainable dietary habits, setting realistic goals, and developing strategies to overcome challenges related to weight management.

  • Nutritional Status Enhancement 

Health conditions, such as food allergies, or nutrient deficiencies, can interrupt the body’s ability to absorb and utilize essential nutrients. Nutrition therapy provides guidance on right food selection that enhances nutrient absorption, choosing appropriate food combinations, and identifying nutrient-rich alternatives. It helps individuals optimize their nutritional status and support overall health.

  • Promote Mental Health

Nutrition therapy can contribute to the prevention and management of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. It focuses on the consumption of nutrient-dense foods that support brain health and function, balances blood sugar levels, and includes essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Education and Empowerment

Nutrition therapy empowers individuals to take an active role in their health. Through education and guidance, dietitians help individuals understand the impact of dietary choices on their well-being. Nutrition therapy provides the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about nutrition and health through practical meal planning, and behavioral strategies. 

Nutrition therapy plays a crucial role in promoting health, preventing diseases, and managing various medical conditions. It empowers individuals to optimize their nutrition, enhance overall well-being, and achieve long-term health goals. By incorporating nutrition therapy into healthcare practices, a culture of proactive and holistic health management can be fostered. Visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic to consult with the medical professionals and receive the best personalized diet plan.


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A Guide to Healthy Aging Senior Life: Lifestyle Choices and Habits

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A Guide to Healthy
Aging Senior Life: Lifestyle Choices and Habits

A Guide to Healthy Aging Senior Life:
Lifestyle Choices and Habits

Aging is an inevitable part of life and maintaining good health and well-being becomes even more crucial especially in senior years. By adopting certain lifestyle choices and habits, seniors can enhance the overall quality of life and enjoy a fulfilling and active journey through aging. Explore this article to know the comprehensive guide to healthy aging, maintaining various aspects of physical, mental, and social well-being.

  • Stay Physically Active

Regular exercise is the foundation of healthy aging as it provides numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Engaging in a variety of activities can maintain mobility, improve cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, and manage chronic conditions. Effective exercises to promote the performance of physical activeness for seniors include: 

  1. Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling are low-impact activities that enhance cardiovascular fitness.
  2. Strength training like weightlifting and resistance exercises can support in maintaining muscle mass and assist in bone density improvement and joint health.
  3. Practice balance and flexibility exercises like yoga and pilates to promote stability, flexibility, and overall body awareness. 
  • Nourish Your Body

A nutritious diet is essential for overall health and vitality. As seniors have unique nutritional needs, it is important to focus on consuming a well-balanced diet that includes:

  1. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to protect against chronic diseases and support immune function. 
  2. Fiber-rich whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread to provide energy and support digestive health.
  3. Lean protein like fish, beans, and tofu to contribute to muscle maintenance, tissue repair, and immune function.
  4. Healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, to support brain health and reduce inflammation.
  • Prioritize Mental Well-being

Maintaining mental well-being is equally important for healthy aging. By incorporating these lifestyle habits, seniors can enhance the performance of mental well-being:

  1. Brain-stimulating activities such as engaging in puzzles, reading, learning new skills, and playing games can help preserve cognitive function and improve memory.
  2. Maintaining social interactions including spending time with loved ones, joining clubs, or volunteering, can combat feelings of loneliness and improve mental health.
  3. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being.
  4. Regular Health Check-ups to identify and manage age-related health concerns. Stay up to date with preventive screenings, vaccinations, and consultations with healthcare professionals to monitor and address any health issues promptly.

Healthy aging plays a key role in seniors as well as maintaining overall well-being. Embrace a holistic approach to healthy aging such as incorporating regular physical activity, nourishing food choices, mental stimulation, and proactive healthcare. If you would like to consult and seek professional guidance, visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic as we are always ready to take care of you and for your optimal wellness.





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What is Lifestyle Medicine?

    /    บทความ    /    What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Better Posture, Better Health.

What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Lifestyle medicine entails a doctor-patient collaboration to improve daily routines, such as diet, exercise, stress management, sleep, and smoking cessation, as well as interactions with those around them, is known as lifestyle medicine. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, prevent or even cure sickness. It’s a novel treatment that can help people stay healthy by preventing disease, lowering their risk of illness, and reducing their drug use.

Lifestyle Medicine

The science of lifestyle modification for better health is known as “Lifestyle Medicine.” The cornerstone of Lifestyle Medicine is focusing on the source of your condition and treating it with lifestyle changes collaborating with doctors.

Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence-based therapy that focuses on patient active participation and puts the patient at the center of decision-making, as well as encouraging them to change their own behavior and achieve improved health in all aspects.

Lifestyle Medical Clinic by PrimoCare Medical

The purpose of lifestyle medicine or lifestyle adjustment is to put the patient first and let them make decisions about how to improve their behavior.

  • “A doctor as a companion”  

The doctor will spend time listening, learning about the patient, and understanding their lifestyle, including personal preferences and limits, in order to motivate them to improve their health. 

  • “Let’s find a new way for better health”

To provide personalized advice customized to the individual’s lifestyle and to solve the problem so that the patient can live a healthy lifestyle in the long term

  • “Wellbeing Care” 

Connect with additional clinic services, such as a psychologist for stress and relationship counseling or a physical therapist for injuries that restrict you from exercising. Including a dietitian who can assess and provide consultation regarding particular dietary issues.

  • “Together we can” 

Individualized supplement service that will assist you in improving your health by modifying your behavior and monitoring risk factors, nutritional status, laboratory results, and other considerations.

  • “Medical prescription when necessary”  

In cases of chronic disease, It might be important to combine medicine with lifestyle changes. To ensure the physical well-being and safety of the patient.

Lifestyle Changing

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and cancer are mostly caused by unsuitable lifestyle habits. As a result, it is necessary to change behavior and embrace a new way of life:

  • Eating – How to eat food that makes you happy while also being healthy.
  • Exercise – Stay motivated by including daily exercise of at least 30 minutes into your lifestyle and routine for good physical and mental health.
  • Stress management – Balance between work and personal life by managing time for work, relationships, and rest to bring back flexibility. Reduce both physical and mental stress.
  • Sleeping – To allow your body to fully recharge and build immunity, change your sleeping patterns. However, if you have trouble sleeping, your body will be exhausted the next day and unable to function. The doctor will diagnose what is causing the poor sleep quality. 
  • Quit smoking – Stop consuming poisons that shorten people’s lives and harm their health. It will allow you to spend more time with your loved ones than previously.
  • Relationships – Increase happiness and satisfaction in life through good relationships.
You can schedule an appointment for a Lifestyle Medicine program at Primocare Medical Clinic, which is ready to take good care of your physical well-being. You can make an appointment here.



Better Posture, Better Health.

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Better Posture, Better Health.

Better Posture, Better Health.

Body aches can result from sitting in the improper position for an extended period of time. Not only can it cause aches and pains, but it also has a negative impact on the circulatory system and nerves. As a result, adjusting your sitting habits can make your body healthier.

Sitting positions to avoid

In everyday life, sitting in a comfortable position, there’s a chance you’ll end up hurting your health more than you think. If you have risky behavior by sitting in the following postures. For greater health, try modifying your habits.

  • Hunchback : By tensing the muscles, this sitting posture has a direct effect on the spine. It can cause pain in the shoulders and hips, as well as the possibility of irreversible bone abnormalities. 
  • Squat : Knee bursitis can be caused by squatting because the outer knee support bone slides forward. It causes conflicting knee cartilage and knee joints, straightening the legs immediately after getting up will cause soreness in the joints and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
  • Sitting Chin On Hand : Sitting with your chin on your hand will not only make you look impolite, but it will also affect the wrist bones. And has a bad effect on the face, generating wrinkles as a result of pressing the hands against the face for a long period of time.
  • Cross-Legged : Sitting cross-legged in the same position for an extended period of time can harm the knee and lead to osteoarthritis. It can also cause beriberi, which is a condition caused by prolonged pressure. It can potentially lead to long-term spinal problems.

Improve your habits for better health

When you recognize the source of pain caused by sitting posture, try to make an effort to change your regular routine for greater health

  • Sit up with your back straight : Sitting with a hunchback stiffens the spine, which causes muscular and joint fatigue. It will help to keep your spine in place if you sit with your back straight. However, hunchbacks affect more than just your back. It also has a negative impact on the internal organs, the lungs and intestines will also have to work harder.
  • Keep your wrist in a neutral position : The desk should be situated to the height of your forearms and your arms should be bent at 90 degrees to relax your shoulders while also preventing hand stretching or wrist bending
  • Change your posture : Every 30 minutes, change your posture by altering your seating position or standing up. Alternatively, go for a walk and rest for a while to relieve the stress that can lead to muscle problems.
  • Stay active : Any type of exercise can help improve your posture, but certain exercises are especially beneficial. Yoga, tai chi, and other classes focusing on body awareness are among them. Exercises that strengthen your core are also recommended (muscles around your back, abdomen, and pelvis).

Risky group

Those who must spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer. Chronic muscle aches and pains can be caused by sitting in the improper position. Modifying behavior begins with sitting properly, which includes sitting up straight, not bending your neck, keeping your head straight, adjusting the chair level to fit the table, aligning the eye level with the computer monitor, having a backrest and two armrests to prevent shoulder tightness from being lifted. To avoid headaches and eye strain, you should also rest your eyes after using the computer for a long time.

Physical Therapy can help.

Sitting in the wrong position can lead to office syndrome, which is produced by the body repeating the same posture for an extended period of time. Physical therapy can aid in the recovery of your body by providing guidance on how to restore your body to its proper position.

If you’d like to schedule an appointment to get your form analyzed and evaluated to find the cause of soreness, tiredness, and joint pain, along with aches and pains stemming from muscle inflammation. You can get help at Primocare Medical Clinic which is prepared to look after your physical and mental health. You can make an appointment in advance here.




Aches and pains all over the body! Is this Fibromyalgia?

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Aches and pains all over the body! Is this Fibromyalgia?

Aches and pains all over the body! Is this Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia affects the patient’s lifestyle by causing chronic muscle pain throughout the body, as well as fatigue, which affects their mood and makes them unable to do normal activities. However, if the patient has been receiving ongoing physical therapy, the patient’s pain will be properly treated and able to resume routine activities without experiencing pain.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by aching, stiff muscles that is not detected by X-rays or other lab tests. While fibromyalgia does not cause harm to joints or organs, the persistent aches and exhaustion can make daily life difficult. One of the peculiarities of fibromyalgia is that it causes pain in specific areas of the body when pressed. Fibromyalgia affects 10 times more women than men between the ages of 25 and 60.

Fibromyalgia and Major Depression

Some fibromyalgia patients had previously been diagnosed with major depression. It could be caused by chronic muscle pain throughout the body, causing the patient to be unable to live a normal life, such as participating in various activities or focusing on work. Because of the pain throughout the body, the patient is constantly stressed and worried. These could be the source of depression-related fatigue symptoms. Others believe that a change in brain chemistry may cause both depression and an unusual sensitivity to pain.

Have an impact on daily life

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes muscle pain throughout your body. The next most common symptom is fatigue, which is a lasting feeling of exhaustion rather than typical tiredness. The fatigue may be worse on some days than others, and it can get in the way of work, activities and exercise, and household chores. Chronic pain and tiredness can make you irritable, nervous, and depressed. Many fibromyalgia patients have problems falling asleep or waking up frequently during the night. This means your body is not getting enough time to heal, which can lead to a destructive cycle in which poor sleep makes pain worse.

Physical therapy can be beneficial

Patients with fibromyalgia benefit from physical therapy because it helps them stretch and maintain specific postures. It aids in improving the flexibility of the muscles in the discomfort area. Physical therapy can treat pain and aches as well as exhaustion by utilizing therapeutic equipment, massage, or Hydrotherapy to help. With physical therapy people with fibromyalgia will be able to return to their usual life without fear of pain anymore. 

How can physical therapy help?

Physical therapy can help with injury recovery that is caused by accidents or other ailments which interfere with daily activities. The goal of physical therapy is to make the patient’s injuries disappear. allows the patient to resume movement and lead a normal life for example

  • Relieve pain in the body
  • Develop body movement
  • Prevent or alleviate injuries caused by sports
  • Assisting the body’s recovery from surgery by restoring normal movement.
  • Rehabilitation after an accident
  • Treat chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis.
  • Reduce the pain of Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Treatment of muscle aches all over the body
Physiotherapy for fibromyalgia

The goal of physical therapy is to treat, heal, and prevent injuries and disabilities. Physical therapy programs may assist you in regaining control over your fibromyalgia’s chronic pain, stiffness, and fatigue. A physical therapist will do slow stretching movements to improve muscle flexibility. The physical therapist will administer tests to measure:

  • The ability to move, such as reaching, bending, or grabbing objects.
  • The ability to walk, bend your knees, or climb stairs
  • Checking your heart rate while doing various activities
  • Balancing in various postures
  • Press at 18 muscle points all over the body

After the completion of the test, a physical therapist will devise a treatment plan for the patient based on the severity of the condition. Depending on the symptoms, each person will require a different length of treatment. In a fair amount of time, a physical therapist will develop a treatment plan to restore the patient’s physical condition and enable them to live a normal, sustainable life.

However, if you have symptoms that resemble fibromyalgia. At Primocare Medical Clinic, using specialized tools to provide sports massage, ultrasound therapy and shockwave therapy reduces chronic pain and maintains physical health. Make an appointment in advance by clicking here.



3 Types of mental illnesses that link with depression

    /    บทความ    /    3 Types of mental illnesses that link with depression

3 Types of mental illnesses
that link with depression

3 Types of mental illnesses that link with depression

People suffering from major depression could find it difficult to live the normal life. It is critical to understand the symptoms of major depression and get help from a psychologist as soon as possible to avoid psychological disorders that can harm patients’ mental health in the long term. 

What Is Depression?

It is natural for everybody to experience sadness. However Major depressive disorder is different from sadness, it is characterized by a depressed mood throughout the day. Especially in the mornings, as well as a loss of interest in usual activities and relationships.

Symptoms Of Major Depression

  • Almost every day, you experience fatigue or a decrease of energy.
  • Almost every day, you have feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
  • Concentration problems and indecisiveness
  • Hypersomnia or insomnia
  • Almost every day, there is a significant drop in interest or enjoyment in almost all activities.
  • Feeling agitated or slowed down
  • Significant weight gain or loss
  • Recurring thought of death or suicide 
Self-screening questions 
  1. In the last 2 weeks, including today, do you feel depressed, sad, or discouraged?
  2. the last 2 weeks, including today, do you feel bored, nothing is enjoyable?

(If you have at least one, you have a chance of getting depressed.)

Depression and Mental Illnesses

Depression has been connected to a variety of mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, panic disorder and social phobia. These illnesses are fortunately treatable, and those who are affected can live normal productive lives.

What Is Anxiety Disorders Mean?

Anxiety disorders affect women twice as frequently as they do in men. Also many studies show that people with depression often experience symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The person is unable to control the worry and may have other symptoms including

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Restlessness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension
What Is Panic Disorder Mean?

Panic disorder is a form of anxiety condition that frequently occurs alongside depression. Panic disorder is characterized by the sudden onset of overwhelming fear and terror, the person will feel as if they are about to faint or have a heart attack. 

At least four of the following symptoms must be present in order for someone to be diagnosed with a panic attack.

  • Chest pain
  • Choking sensation
  • Dizziness or Nausea
  • Extreme sweating
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Feeling of losing control
  • Numbness or Shakiness
What Is Social Anxiety Disorder Mean?
The most common type of anxiety disorder is phobic disorder, which involves an unreasonable or irrational fear. 

If people with phobias are unable to avoid what they fear, they experience a severe anxiety response, which may include rapid heartbeat, nausea, or profuse sweating. 

Social anxiety disorder is a psychological ailment that produces an overwhelming fear of circumstances that demand public interaction. The symptoms of social phobia are much the same as symptoms for anxiety disorders with other symptoms including

  • Difficulty talking
  • Dry mouth
  • Intense sweating
  • Nausea
  • Racing heart
  • Trembling or shaking
How Is Anxiety Treated?
  • Relaxing -It will help you to improve your mental health by practicing the rhythm of breathing through exercise or yoga, you will become more peaceful.
  • Healthy food -Maintaining excellent mental health requires being physically fit and powerful. To keep the body functioning with a cheerful mind, avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Socializing with friends –  Meeting new friends relieves loneliness while participating in new activities. Remember to stay connected to others, do not get isolated.
  • Don’t be overwhelmed with stress – If you start to feel stressed or worried about work. Try taking a break from work and doing other stress-relieving activities, such as talking with friends, exercising and meditating.

If your symptoms are not improving. Get counseling from a psychologist to help you cope with stress at Primocare Medical, which will prevent and maintain mental health with varied services, including counseling sessions that attempt to get to the root of an issue, along with ongoing sessions to monitor patients’ health. Make an appointment in advance

