/ บทความ / 3 Types of mental illnesses that link with depression
People suffering from major depression could find it difficult to live the normal life. It is critical to understand the symptoms of major depression and get help from a psychologist as soon as possible to avoid psychological disorders that can harm patients’ mental health in the long term.
What Is Depression?
It is natural for everybody to experience sadness. However Major depressive disorder is different from sadness, it is characterized by a depressed mood throughout the day. Especially in the mornings, as well as a loss of interest in usual activities and relationships.
Symptoms Of Major Depression
- Almost every day, you experience fatigue or a decrease of energy.
- Almost every day, you have feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
- Concentration problems and indecisiveness
- Hypersomnia or insomnia
- Almost every day, there is a significant drop in interest or enjoyment in almost all activities.
- Feeling agitated or slowed down
- Significant weight gain or loss
- Recurring thought of death or suicide
- In the last 2 weeks, including today, do you feel depressed, sad, or discouraged?
- the last 2 weeks, including today, do you feel bored, nothing is enjoyable?
(If you have at least one, you have a chance of getting depressed.)
Depression has been connected to a variety of mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, panic disorder and social phobia. These illnesses are fortunately treatable, and those who are affected can live normal productive lives.
Anxiety disorders affect women twice as frequently as they do in men. Also many studies show that people with depression often experience symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The person is unable to control the worry and may have other symptoms including
- Difficulty concentrating
- Restlessness
- Sleep disturbance
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
Panic disorder is a form of anxiety condition that frequently occurs alongside depression. Panic disorder is characterized by the sudden onset of overwhelming fear and terror, the person will feel as if they are about to faint or have a heart attack.
At least four of the following symptoms must be present in order for someone to be diagnosed with a panic attack.
- Chest pain
- Choking sensation
- Dizziness or Nausea
- Extreme sweating
- Fast heartbeat
- Feeling of losing control
- Numbness or Shakiness
- Difficulty talking
- Dry mouth
- Intense sweating
- Nausea
- Racing heart
- Trembling or shaking
- Relaxing -It will help you to improve your mental health by practicing the rhythm of breathing through exercise or yoga, you will become more peaceful.
- Healthy food -Maintaining excellent mental health requires being physically fit and powerful. To keep the body functioning with a cheerful mind, avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- Socializing with friends – Meeting new friends relieves loneliness while participating in new activities. Remember to stay connected to others, do not get isolated.
- Don’t be overwhelmed with stress – If you start to feel stressed or worried about work. Try taking a break from work and doing other stress-relieving activities, such as talking with friends, exercising and meditating.
If your symptoms are not improving. Get counseling from a psychologist to help you cope with stress at Primocare Medical, which will prevent and maintain mental health with varied services, including counseling sessions that attempt to get to the root of an issue, along with ongoing sessions to monitor patients’ health. Make an appointment in advance here.live
The Link Between Depression and Other Mental Illnesses (https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/link-to-other-mental-illnesses)
Major Depression (Clinical Depression)(https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/major-depression)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (https://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/generalized-anxiety-disorder)
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