
Tips for Relieving Quadratus Lumborum Pain

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Tips for Relieving Quadratus Lumborum Pain

The quadratus lumborum (QL) is a muscle in the lower back that helps stabilize the spine and hips. Quadratus lumborum pain is the pain in the lower back, pelvis, and hips and can cause deep pain in the lower back or a stabbing sensation in the hips or pelvis. 

Causes of Quadratus Lumborum Pain 

There are several potential causes of quadratus lumborum pain. 

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Sitting too long: The quadratus lumborum muscle tightens or contracts continuously when a person sits for an extended period of time. Muscle exhaustion can be caused by continuous contraction. A muscle that receives less blood flow may stiffen and hurt.

Poor posture: Standing or sitting with poor posture can put additional strain on the quadratus lumborum and cause pain. The muscle might get sore and tight if you slouch, tilt to one side, or sit without back support.

Weak muscles: It may be essential for other muscles to work harder than necessary if the quadratus lumborum’s supporting muscles are weak. The quadratus lumborum has to work harder to support the body when other muscles in the back and pelvic region are weak. The quadratus lumborum muscles could eventually get stressed out and overworked.

Unequal leg length may put additional strain on the quadratus lumborum and other muscles in the body. 

Trauma: The quadratus lumborum can be hurt, just like any other muscle. Quadratus lumborum discomfort might result from a sports injury or muscular trauma from a car accident. Doing routine daily tasks incorrectly can potentially result in damage. For instance, carrying big goods awkwardly or incorrectly might put strain on the quadratus lumborum.

Treatments for Quadratus Lumborum Pain

To lessen the discomfort, a variety of treatments, including at-home care or a combination of home care and medical therapy, may help relieve quadratus lumborum pain. 


Stretching is one of the most effective ways to relieve QL pain. Here are some stretches you can try:

  • Child’s pose: Kneel on the floor, then lean forward and reach your arms out in front of you. Rest your forehead on the floor and hold for 30 seconds.
  • Seated forward bend: Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Lean forward and reach for your toes, holding for 30 seconds.
  • Seated spinal twist: Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Twist your torso to the left, placing your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.


The tight muscles that the quadratus lumborum is made up of can be made more flexible through massage. Simply lay a foam roller or massage ball on the quadratus lumborum muscle and rub it back and forth while gently applying pressure. If the pain does not go away, get a professional massage from a certified massage therapist.

Heat or Ice

Anxiety in the quadratus lumborum can be reduced by applying heat or ice to the affected area. Use an ice pack for 10-15 minutes at a time, or use a heating pad or heated cloth for 20 minutes at a time. For ice therapy, it should be performed within the first 36 hours of the injury for the effective results. 

Posture Correction

Poor posture is a common contributor to quadratus lumborum pain. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day and try to maintain a neutral spine. Sit up straight with your shoulders back and your feet flat on the floor.


Exercise helps ease quadratus lumborum pain and aid the back’s general health. Perform core-building activities like planks and bridges to improve your abdominal muscles. Pilates and yoga are also excellent choices for enhancing posture and flexibility.

Despite the fact that quadratus lumborum discomfort can be painful and incapacitating, there are techniques to treat it. If the quadratus lumborum pain persists, you can come for a consultation at PrimoCare Medical Clinic and get professional advice from our professionals. We are ready to take care of your optimal health. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.




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How to Treat Shoulder Ligament Inflammation?

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How to Treat Shoulder Ligament Inflammation?

Shoulder ligament inflammation is a common condition that occurs when the ligaments in the shoulder joint become swollen and painful. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including overuse, trauma, and underlying medical conditions. If left untreated, shoulder ligament inflammation can lead to chronic pain and restricted movement, making it difficult to perform even simple tasks.

Symptoms of shoulder ligament inflammation may include pain, swelling, stiffness, and weakness in the affected shoulder. These symptoms may be exacerbated by certain movements or activities, such as lifting heavy objects or reaching overhead. In severe cases, shoulder ligament inflammation may cause a loss of range of motion or the development of frozen shoulder.

Fortunately, there are several effective treatments available for shoulder ligament inflammation. These may include rest, ice, compression, and elevation therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. The specific treatment plan will depend on the severity of the condition, as well as the underlying cause.

In addition to these treatments, it is important to take steps to prevent shoulder ligament inflammation from occurring or worsening. This may include avoiding repetitive overhead movements while the symptoms persist,, maintaining good posture, using proper lifting techniques, and engaging in regular exercise to improve shoulder strength and flexibility.

If you are experiencing symptoms of shoulder ligament inflammation, it is important to seek prompt medical attention. Your doctor can provide a diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

To analyze and assess the cause of pain and receive proper treatment, you can visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic to get a consultation. We are ready to take care of your health ultimately. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.

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How to Notice the Symptoms of Office Syndrome?

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How to Notice the Symptoms of Office Syndrome?

Office syndrome is also known as computer-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which refers to a group of conditions that can result from prolonged computer use and poor posture. The symptoms of office syndrome can be subtle at first, but they can become more severe over time if left untreated. 

How to Notice the Symptoms of Office Syndrome? 

  • Neck pain: One of the most common symptoms of office syndrome is neck pain. You may experience stiffness, soreness, or aching in your neck, which can be aggravated by prolonged sitting or looking at a computer screen.
  • Shoulder pain: Office syndrome can also cause shoulder pain, which may be felt as a dull ache or sharp pain. Shoulder pain occurred due to poor posture, such as hunching the shoulders or holding the arms too high or too low.
  • Back pain: Sitting for prolonged periods can put a strain on the back muscles and lead to back pain. You may experience discomfort in the lower back, upper back, or both.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: This condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand, becomes compressed. Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand or fingers.
  • Eye strain: Staring at a computer screen for long periods can cause eye strain, which may result in headaches, dry eyes, or blurred vision.
  • Fatigue: Prolonged sitting and computer use can also lead to fatigue, both physical and mental. You may feel tired or lethargic, have difficulty concentrating, or experience mood swings.

If you experience any of these above symptoms, it’s important to take action to prevent them from becoming more severe. 


How to alleviate the symptoms of office syndrome?

  • Take breaks: Make sure to take frequent breaks throughout the day to stretch, move around, and give the eyes a rest from the computer screen.
  • Correct the posture: Ensure that the chair, desk, and computer monitor are set up correctly to promote good posture. Sit up straight and avoid slouching or hunching the shoulders.
  • Exercise: Incorporate exercise into the routine to strengthen the muscles and improve the posture. Focus on exercises that target the neck, back, and shoulders.
  • Seek treatment: If you experience severe or persistent symptoms, seek treatment from a healthcare professional. A physical therapist can develop a treatment plan tailored to the specific needs and help to manage your symptoms.

Office syndrome can have a significant impact on the health and well-being, but the symptoms can be managed with the right approach. By being aware of the symptoms of office syndrome and taking steps to prevent and manage them, you can stay healthy and comfortable while working at a computer.

If you would like to make an appointment to consult with a doctor or seek treatment, you can come and get advice at PrimoCare Medical Clinic. We are ready to take care of your health and your mind to be completely healthy. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.



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How to Manage PMS Symptoms?

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How To Manage PMS Symptoms?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 75% of women at some point in their lives. PMS is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that occur before menstruation, including bloating, breast tenderness or swelling, fatigue, mood swings, and cramps. These symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily activities or maintain relationships. While the exact cause of PMS is unknown, hormonal imbalances are believed to play a significant role.

Fortunately, There are many ways to treat PMS.

Non pharmacological intervention is the first line to treat PMS including lifestyle modification. 

Psychopharmacological intervention such as antidepressant drugs and alterative psychotropic drugs can help with PMS symptoms. 

Hormonal therapy can help correct PMS symptoms in some women. Hormonal therapy may involve the use of birth control pills, which contain synthetic versions of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. These hormones can help regulate the menstrual cycle, reducing the severity and frequency of PMS symptoms.

In addition to birth control pills, other hormonal therapies may be prescribed, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. These treatments may be recommended for women who do not respond well to other treatments or who have severe PMS symptoms.

While hormonal therapy can be effective for many women with PMS, it is not without risks. Side effects of hormonal therapy may include headaches, nausea, and changes in mood or sex drive. Women with certain medical conditions, such as breast cancer or a history of blood clots, may not be candidates for hormonal therapy. Long term use of GnRH analog involves cardiovascular risk, decrease of estrogen concentration and causing osteoporosis. Therefore hormonal therapy is the third line treatment for PMS.

If you are experiencing PMS symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor. Your doctor can provide a diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and health history.

In addition to hormonal therapy, there are several lifestyle changes that can help alleviate PMS symptoms. These may include:

  • Regular exercise especially aerobic exercise, 
  • Balanced diet: avoid  caffeine, sugar, sodium, alcohol intake,
  • Supplement that may help with the symptoms : vitamin B6, vitamin E 
  • Stress management techniques, 
  • Adequate sleep

Women with PMS may also benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help them manage their emotions and cope with stress.

PMS symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. While the exact cause of PMS is unknown, hormonal imbalances are believed to play a significant role. Hormonal therapy, including the use of birth control pills, HRT, and GnRH agonists, can help correct PMS symptoms in some women. However, hormonal therapy is not without risks, and women should speak with their doctor to determine the best treatment plan for their individual needs.

If you want to consult a doctor to adjust lifestyle behavior for better health, you can come and get advice at PrimoCare Medical Clinic. We are ready to take care of your health and your mind to be completely strong. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.


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Understanding PM 2.5 Air Pollution and the Impacts

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Understanding PM 2.5 Air Pollution and the Impacts

Bangkok, the bustling capital of Thailand, is currently facing a severe air pollution problem due to high levels of PM2.5. PM2.5 refers to fine particulate matter that is smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, which can penetrate deep into the alveoli and bloodstream, causing respiratory and cardiovascular problems. In this article, learn more on what PM2.5 is, the sources of PM2.5 in Bangkok, and the impacts of PM2.5 on public health.

What is PM 2.5?

PM 2.5 is one of the eight defined criteria for evaluating the quality of the air, which refers to  particulate matter in the air with diameter of less than 2.5 microns. PM2.5 is a type of air pollutant that consists of tiny particles, mainly from human-made sources such as vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions, and burning fossil fuels. Owing to its small size, PM2.5 can float in the air for extended periods of time and, when breathed in, can enter the circulation deeply. These tiny particles can travel long distances and can stay in the air for days or even weeks, causing serious health concerns. 

Sources of PM 2.5 in Bangkok

The main sources of PM2.5 in Bangkok are vehicle emissions, construction sites, and open burning of agricultural waste. Bangkok is known for its heavy traffic congestion, which leads to high levels of vehicle emissions. Furthermore, there are many construction sites in the city, which produce large amounts of dust and other particles. Burning fossil fuels or environmentally non-friendly sources of fuel, specifically coal, contributes to air pollution as well. Additionally, the burning of agricultural waste is a common practice in Thailand, especially during the dry season, which exacerbates the PM2.5 problem.

The sources can be identified into two categories as follow: 

Man made sources include:

  • Industry activities involving combustion engines in power plants
  • Fireplaces, stoves, and house wood burning
  • Smoke from burning fireworks

Natural sources include:

  • Dust
  • Soot
  • Grime
  • Wind-borne salt
  • Pollen
  • Smoke from wildfires

Impacts of PM 2.5 on Public Health

PM2.5 has significant health impacts, particularly on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Short-term exposure to PM2.5 can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. These fine particles can get deep into lungs and alveoli and some may even get into the bloodstream. Exposure to these particles can affect a person’s lungs and heart and cause chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Lung cancer. Additionally, PM2.5 has been linked to cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, hypertension and strokes.

What can be done to reduce PM2.5 levels in Bangkok?

Prevention is better than cure and it is the most effective way to take care of yourself and loved ones to prevent unnecessary risks. Follow these tips to reduce exposure to PM2.5 pollution and protect your health during periods of high pollution.

Stay indoors as much as possible: Limit the time outside during peak pollution hours, which are usually early morning and late afternoon. Close your windows and doors to keep the polluted air out, and use an air purifier if available.

Wear a mask: When going outside, wear a mask that is designed to filter out PM2.5 particles. Look for masks that are labeled N95 or higher, which means they can filter out at least 95% of airborne particles.

Stay hydrated: Pollution can cause dehydration, so it is important to drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated.

Eat healthy diet: A healthy diet can help support the immune system and reduce the risk of respiratory problems. Eat foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Exercise indoors: Exercise can help improve the lung capacity and overall health, but during periods of high pollution, it is best to exercise indoors or in a gym with good air filtration.

Avoid smoking: Smoking can aggravate respiratory problems, and it is especially harmful during periods of high pollution.

Keep informed: Stay informed about the current air quality levels in respective areas by checking the government’s air quality index (AQI) or other reliable sources and adjust the activities accordingly based on the AQI readings.

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How to Lose Weight Safely and Optimize Results?

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How to Lose Weight Safely and Optimize Results?

Losing weight has become one of the most popular concerns nowadays and it can be a challenging process. But it is important to practice techniques that are safe and sustainable. Diets and extreme weight loss methods can be tempting, but they can also be harmful to your health. The key to successful weight loss is to create a plan that is realistic, healthy, and enjoyable.

Set Realistic Goals

One of the most important steps in losing weight safely is to set realistic goals. Aiming to lose 1-2 pounds per week is a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss. It’s also important to remember that weight loss is not a linear process and there may be times when you don’t lose weight or even gain weight. This is normal and shouldn’t be a reason to give up.

Create a Caloric Deficit

To lose weight, you need to create a caloric deficit. This means you need to burn more calories than you consume. A safe and effective way to create a caloric deficit is to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500-1000 calories. This can be achieved through eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. It’s also important to avoid processed foods, high-carbohydrate foods and sugary drinks, which are high in calories and low in nutrients.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise plays a major component of weight loss. It not only helps you burn calories, but it also improves your overall health and well-being. It is recommended to perform exercises at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes per session. This can include a combination of cardio and strength training exercises. If you’re new to exercise, start with low intensity exercise like walking or swimming and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for weight loss. Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and increase your appetite, making it harder to lose weight. Make sure to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establishing a regular sleep routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and creating a relaxing sleep environment can help you get better quality sleep.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is important for weight loss. It can help you feel full, reduce your appetite, and boost your metabolism. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Seek Support

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and it’s important to have support from friends, family, or a healthcare professional. Joining a weight loss support group, working with a registered dietitian, or partnering with a workout buddy can all provide encouragement and accountability.

Losing weight safely and optimizing results requires a combination of healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes. By taking a sustainable and enjoyable approach to weight loss, you can achieve your goals and improve your overall health and well-being.

Since everyone has different medical conditions, if you want to discuss the best diet and work out routines according to your health, you can come for a consultation at PrimoCare Medical Clinic and get professional advice from our professionals. We are ready to take care of your optimal health. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.

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Reasons To See A Physiotherapist to Relieve Shoulder Pain

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Reasons to See a Physiotherapist to Relieve Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition that limits your ability to perform daily activities and affects your overall quality of life. Fortunately, physiotherapy can be an effective way to relieve shoulder pain and improve your mobility. Follow these tips to relieve shoulder pain with physiotherapy.

Seek a professional evaluation: The first step in relieving shoulder pain with physiotherapy is to get a professional evaluation from a qualified physiotherapist. A physiotherapist can assess the condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses specific needs.

Stretching exercises: Gentle stretching exercises can help to improve your range of motion and reduce stiffness in your shoulder joint. The physiotherapist can show specific stretches that target towards the shoulder muscles and joints.

Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises can help to build up the muscles around the shoulder joint, providing added support and stability. Physiotherapists can recommend exercises that target the rotator cuff, deltoid, and other shoulder muscles.

Manual therapy: Manual therapy techniques, such as massage and joint mobilization, can help to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain in the shoulder joint.

Heat and ice therapy: Applying heat or ice to the shoulder can help to reduce pain and inflammation. The appropriate temperature and duration would be recommended by a physiotherapist according to the specific condition. 

Posture correction: Poor posture can contribute to shoulder pain. The pain can be relieved through the guidance of a physiotherapist on proper posture and body mechanics and prevent future injury.

Activity modification: A physiotherapist may recommend modifications to daily activities to reduce strain on the shoulder joint including avoiding overhead activities or using assistive devices to reduce the load on the shoulder.

Home exercise program: A physiotherapist can develop a home exercise program for continuous rehabilitation and maintain the progress outside of therapy sessions.

Physiotherapy can be an effective way to relieve shoulder pain and improve mobility. With the help of a qualified physiotherapist, a personalized treatment plan that targets specific needs can be developed and helps you get back to normal activities pain-free.

If you would like to make an appointment to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist, you can come and get advice at PrimoCare Medical Clinic. We are ready to take care of your health and your mind to be completely healthy, promoting, preventing and maintaining physical health by using exercise management to the use of specialized tools. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.


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What Types of Chronic Pains Require Physical Therapy?

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What Types of Chronic Pains Require Physical Therapy?

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is usually defined as pain that persists beyond the normal time that tissues take to heal following an injury. Most soft tissue injuries heal up within weeks, although some can take several months to completely heal.

Physical therapists can help with these conditions by working with patients to develop individualized plans using a range of treatment techniques designed to restore function and mobility, reduce pain, and improve quality of life. 

Physical therapy can be effective in treating these chronic pain conditions: 

1. Chronic muscle pain, also known as myofascial pain syndrome, is a condition that affects the muscles and the sheath of the tissue that surrounds the muscles. If the muscle pain has been experienced for an extended period of time, it is likely to lead to chronic pain. 

Chronic muscle pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including

  • Poor posture, and overuse of muscles
  • Over exercising, or usage of poor techniques leading to stress on muscles
  • Performing work activities using poor techniques that can lead to repetitive stress injuries
  • Anxiety and depression which can cause muscle tension, leading to significant myofascial pain

A physical therapist can help to determine the cause of your chronic muscle pain and develop a treatment plan to alleviate it.

2. Arthritis: It is an inflammation or swelling of one or more joints and there are many conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint, and other connective tissues. Arthritis pain can be relieved by being active physically, managing weight and protecting the joints. If the pain turns to be chronic, you should see the physical therapist and seek guidance.  

A physical therapist can develop treatment to reduce pain and minimize joint damage including exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve flexibility and reduce the load on the joints.

3. Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body, sleep problems and often emotional distress as it is a chronic pain disorder that affects the muscles and soft tissues. Patients with fibromyalgia are likely to be more sensitive to pain than patients without fibromyalgia. 

The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but it’s thought to be related to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain messages carried around the body. However it can be effectively treated and managed with the help of a physical therapist. 

Physical therapy can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia to help relieve some of the symptoms and make the condition easier to live with. Treatments can be one or combinations of:

  • Lifestyle changes, such as exercises and relaxation techniques
  • Talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Medicine, such as antidepressants
It is important to seek the guidance of a physical therapist if you are suffering muscle pain as they can help to determine the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs. PrimoCare is always ready to be with you along your entire health journey to improve your overall quality of life.
To analyze and assess the cause of chronic pain and receive proper treatment, you can visit PrimoCare Medical Clinic to get a consultation. We are ready to take care of your health ultimately. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.

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Do You Know Migraine Symptoms Can Be Reduced Through a Change in Behaviors?

    /    บทความ    /    Do You Know Migraine Symptoms Can Be Reduced Through a Change in Behaviors?

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Do You Know Migraine Symptoms Can Be Reduced Through a Change in Behaviors?

    Migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation on one side of the head. It is a common neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Migraines are characterized by severe headaches that can last for hours or even days and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Many people also have symptoms such as feeling sick, being sick and increased sensitivity to light or sound.

    There are ways to manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of attacks following these practices.

  • Identify Triggers: Triggers can vary from person to person. The common triggers include stress, alcohol and caffeine, sleep changes, weather changes, hormonal changes in women, intense physical exertion and some medications. Once you identify your triggers, you can take steps to avoid or minimize them.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques for Stress: Stress is a common trigger for migraines. Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress levels and prevent migraines. These techniques can also help you relax and unwind after a long day, which can reduce tension headaches.
  • Maintain Regular Sleep Patterns: The connection between migraine and sleep is undeniable. Changes in sleep patterns can trigger migraines in some people. It’s important to maintain regular sleep patterns by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, at least 7-8 hours a day. Eliminate TV, texting, reading, and listening to music while in bed. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed and creating a relaxing sleep environment can also help you get better quality sleep.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration could be one of the reasons for migraines in some people. It’s important to drink enough water throughout the day. Dehydration affects the body on all levels and can cause dizziness and confusion. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can also drink other hydrating beverages like tea, coffee, and low-sugar fruit juices.
  • Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce stress levels and prevent migraines. It can also improve your overall health and well-being. Regular exercise can help reduce the frequency of headache attacks. Not only does exercise reduce stress, a common migraine trigger, but it also helps with sleep and improves your mood.
  • Avoid Trigger Foods: It’s important to identify which foods trigger your migraines and avoid them. The common trigger foods include caffeine, chocolate, alcohol etc.
  • Manage Your Medications: If you take medication for migraines, it’s important to manage it carefully. Overuse of medication can lead to medication overuse headaches, which can be even more severe than migraines. Consult with your doctor to identify the best way to  manage your medication and prevent medication overuse headaches.
Migraines can be debilitating, but by making changes to your lifestyle behaviors, you can manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of attacks. These changes can not only help reduce the severity and frequency of your migraines but allow you to live a happier and healthier life.

If you want to get the professional consultation, you can come for a consultation at PrimoCare Medical Clinic and get professional advice from our professionals. We are ready to take care of your optimal health. You can inquire or make an appointment in advance here.

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How To Recover From Long COVID

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How To Recover From Long COVID

What is Long COVID and what are symptoms?

Long COVID is a term used to describe the symptoms that can persist for weeks or even months after a person has been infected with COVID-19. These symptoms can include fatigue, shortness of breath, and brain fog, among others. Recovering from long COVID can be a challenging and difficult process, but there are several tips that can help you on your road to recovery. Follow these tips to rebuild your immunity and boost your recovering process. 

  1. It’s important to understand that the recovery process may take different times for everyone depending on the individual’s immune system. Some people may recover quickly, while others may take longer so always make sure to be patient with yourself and not to compare your recovery to others. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most patients appear to recover from acute COVID-19 illness within four weeks. However, some continue to have on-going symptoms or new or recurrent symptoms and conditions after this acute phase.
  2. Make yourself time to rest and give your body time to heal, including getting plenty of sleep and avoiding any activities that may cause you to feel worse. It’s also important to listen to your body and not to push yourself too hard. 
  3. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water and fluids can help to reduce symptoms such as fatigue and headaches. Drink 2-4 ounces of fluid at minimum every 15 minutes. The optimal fluids to drink are clear liquid beverages with calories and protein, oral rehydration solutions or sports drinks.
  4. Exercise can also be beneficial for recovery. While it may be difficult to start exercising, even a small amount of physical activity can help to improve your overall well-being. It’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise to help your body to heal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reminded that people who do little or no physical activity are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 than those who are physically active. 
  5. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is also important for recovery. Eating a variety of foods to get essential vitamins and minerals can help to boost your immunity and boost the rehabilitation process. The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) recommends eating the food to get the nutrients like Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, Iron and Zinc to support the immune system.
  6. In addition to the physical activities, it’s important to take care of your mental health. Experiencing long COVID can be emotionally draining, and it’s important to take time to process your experiences. Talking to a therapist or counselor can be helpful, as well as finding healthy ways to cope with stress. 
In conclusion, recovering from long COVID can be a challenging process, but it’s important to be patient and to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Remember to rest, stay hydrated, exercise, eat well, and take care of your mental health. With time and care, you will recover and be back to your normal self.

PrimoCare is always ready to take care of you at its best. Visit the PrimoCare clinic or make an appointment here to consult with our medical professionals and get advice on rehabilitation.

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